The Save Energy Campaign

The Save Energy Campaign

The Save Energy Campaign is designed to offer practical tips and advice on making one’s home and work place more energy efficient. Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) materials for this campaign will carry step by step, do it yourself instructions on energy efficiency and conservation improvements that will save Nigerians money and make our city more energy efficient.

The Campaign will focus on:

  • Calculating Household Energy Consumption.
  • Using renewable energy resources.
  • Using Energy Saving Bulbs.
  • Switching off lights and household electrical appliances when not in use.
  • Water Conservation.
  • To foster a sense of collective responsibility and ownership, the campaign has been designed to assign a role to citizens and businesses in conserving energy and this will be defined through the implementation of a long term campaign that highlights the economic benefits to Nigerians when they follow practical energy conservation saving tips.