Energy Savers Club

Energy Savers Club

Energy Savers Nigeria Club is an Energy Conservation initiative that focuses on bringing about a first-hand realization of the energy crisis in Nigeria through the enterprise and creativity of our youth.

Energy Savers Nigeria recognizes the immense value of the contribution that Schools and School children can make to help curb wasteful usage of power. As the demand for power in the Nigeria is steadily increasing and energy resources are being rapidly depleted, it is vital to involve our youth, as decision-makers of tomorrow, in an initiative to avert a crippling power crisis.

This informal Energy Savers Club comprising Schools and Schoolchildren is formed to spark off a youth initiative for curbing energy-wastage through active measures, and also popularizing the importance of this mission among fellow-students. Energy Savers Club provides the ground for children to share and expand their understanding, and bring about a chain-reaction that can significantly reduce wastage of energy in our communities. With adequate publicity, the Club will sensitize Nigerian citizens, and the spark can turn into a spreading flame of enthusiasm to protect our resources and environment.